Add On Services

Got Maid Cleaning can help you with your next special cleaning project. Our Residential Cleaning Services tackle much of the cleaning that is needed in a home, but we are also equipped to handle more specific and difficult cleaning jobs in any room of your house.

Is your bedroom not feeling as fresh as it should? Ask us about our mattress vacuuming service. Does your kitchen feel out of touch and not a comfortable place in your home any longer? Our oven cleaning or cabinet scrubbing services could be what you need!

Whatever cleaning job you need done, our professional team at Got Maid can accomplish it.

From carpets to cabinets and everything in between, Got Maid has what it takes to get the job done well.

Refrigerator Cleaning

The refrigerator is one of the many areas of a house that might be getting less attention than it needs. Over time, drink spills and even bits of food get caught in the cracks. Mold and bacteria can accumulate over time and need to be properly cleaned, especially in an area that you store your food and drinks.

Although a thorough refrigerator clean isn’t included in our routine residential cleaning service, we are more than happy to handle this at any time as an add-on service.

Our process:
-To allow us to provide the best clean we can offer, we ask that you remove any expired items from your refrigerator before we arrive.
-Our team of dedicated professionals will remove all items from the refrigerator
-The shelves and drawers will be removed to be washed and dried
-The inside of the refrigerator will be wiped down to remove all spills, crumbs, and food particles
-Finally, we will replace all the drawers, shelves, and items removed at the beginning of our cleaning

If you’re hosting a family event or just preparing a meal in your oven, having a dirty space with traces of all the past meals left in your oven can ruin even the best recipes.

While our Residential Cleaning Services include cleaning the exterior of your oven every time, cleaning the interior is something Got Maid is happy to handle as an add-on service any time.

With our Oven Cleaning Service, we will clean every inch of your oven, inside and out.

Our process:
-If you have a self-cleaning oven, we recommend you run the self-clean the night before our scheduled oven cleaning and our team will thoroughly finish the process.
-Oven racks are removed and cleaned individually
-Interior of the oven is completely cleaned and rinsed, including the inside of the door
-Outside of the door is washed and the oven glass will be cleaned
-Oven racks are replaced

Oven Cleaning

Cabinet Cleaning

Organization is crucial to staying clean and efficient, and kitchen cabinets are one space where this is the most important. But it’s difficult to find the time to take on such a huge task. That’s where Got Maid Cleaning comes in!

Our Residential Cleaning Services include cleaning the exterior of the cabinets, but we are happy to handle interior cabinet cleaning and organization as an add on service.

Our process:
-Our professional cleaning team will remove the contents of your cabinets
-The interior of the cabinets will be wiped clean
-All items are replaced in the cabinets (please note that if you wish to have your items organized in a specific way we ask that you’re present to provide any needed guidance)
-Exterior of cabinets are then cleaned

Cleaning walls is something that can be easily missed during regular cleaning, and the neglect can become unmistakably noticeable. Smudges and marks will undoubtedly happen over time, especially if you have pets and/or children. Fingerprints on your walls can really spoil the appearance of your home, and further buildup will accumulate on your walls. Cobwebs and dust will build up over time and the amount of cleaning your walls may need will also depend on humidity, cooking, fireplaces, and more.

The type of paint on your walls also plays a part in how they may have more buildup or reveal dirt and imperfections. Most of the time paint with a glossy finish can be easier to clean than flat or matte paint finishes. But most of the time your walls don’t need to be repainted, they just need a good cleaning.

Our Process:
-Before taking on the job, we’ll test clean a small area of your walls to see how the paint holds up to cleaning. If the cleaning will discolor the paint, we will not clean it to avoid ruining it.
-We work to remove all cobwebs from walls and corners
-We wipe away dirt and smudges
-We clean away any dust that accumulates on the walls
-We will work to remove any food stains that may build up in the kitchen
-Clean behind any electronics mounted on walls that accumulate dust behind them

Wall Washing

Contact Got Maid Cleaning today
to handle any one or all of our add-on services!