Residential Cleaning

Got Maid Cleaning provides the following home-cleaning services:

  • Weekly
  • Bi-weekly
  • Monthly
  • Spring/Deep Cleaning
  • Occasional or One-Time Cleaning

Clean & Safe!

On every single one of our visits our professional staff follows a strict checklist to ensure your home is cleaned to the highest degree. At Got Maid our team will clean your residential space on a regular basis or even just once - perhaps before a big event! Which will leave you with one large item on your checklist taken care of. You can trust us to provide quality and professional service with a satisfactory clean every time, or we’ll clean again at no charge. Our products are safe for children and pets too!

At Got Maid we understand that every home and every person or family has different preferences, which is why we are flexible. If you have any special schedule requirements or requests we are always willing to discuss this and come up with a custom cleaning plan that fits your individual needs.

You can count on us to provide you with the following services for every cleaning:

  • A dedicated supervisor is assigned to you
  • Our professional and trustworthy staff will be uniformed and thoroughly trained to ensure high quality
  • Our team brings all cleaning supplies necessary to get the job done
  • Got Maid works in teams for efficiency
  • We provide free estimates with no obligation
  • We do not lock you into a contract
  • Got Maid always provides fantastic customer service
  • All cleaning jobs include quality control
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee every time or we will clean again for free within 24 hours
  • Got Maid is locally owned and operated
  • Every professional on our team must pass background checks
  • Got Maid Cleaning is licensed, bonded, and insured
  • We provide customized cleanings when requested

Your peace of mind is our top priority, regardless of whether you require cleanings weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, on occasion, or even as a move-in/move-out service.

Weekly - Great for busy homes that are full of life and social commitments
Bi-Weekly - A fantastic choice for general upkeep
Monthly - The occasional thorough clean to keep your space in good order when you need it

If you’re having trouble deciding which cleaning schedule you require, use this guide as a reference:

This is the thorough clean you can expect with each visit from Got Maid Cleaning:

  • Appliances of all sizes - exterior cleaned and sanitized (interior cleaned upon request)
  • Microwave exterior and interior always cleaned and sanitized
  • Fingerprints cleaned from all woodwork, frames, and switch plates
  • Clean and sanitize sinks (and dishes if requested)
  • Clean and sanitize countertops and backsplash - all items are removed and replaced
  • Stove top cleaned and sanitized
  • Clean window over sink
  • Wipe exterior of kitchen cabinets and drawers
  • Wipe tables and chairs
  • Floors will be vacuumed and washed
  • Windowsills all cleaned (and blinds dusted if requested)
  • Exposed baseboards will be dusted
  • Over-hanging lights are cleaned
  • Trash is emptied
  • Trash can is hand-wiped inside and out
  • Clean and sanitize shower and tub
  • Glass showers will be cleaned
  • Toilets are cleaned and sanitized inside and out
  • Bath fixtures cleaned and shined
  • Counters are cleaned and sanitized - all items are removed and replaced
  • Sinks are cleaned and sanitized
  • Mirrors are cleaned and shined
  • Switch plates are all cleaned
  • Towels will be neatly folded and hung
  • Cabinet exteriors are cleaned
  • Baseboards are dusted
  • Floors are vacuumed and hand-washed
  • Rugs will be vacuumed
  • Windowsills will be cleaned (and blinds dusted if requested)
  • Trash is emptied
  • Beds are made (and linens changed if requested)
  • Lamps cleaned and lampshades are dusted
  • Fingerprints cleaned from all woodwork, frames, and switch plates
  • Picture frames are dusted
  • Furniture is dusted - top, front, and underneath
  • Floors are vacuumed and/or washed (and under bed if it’s accessible)
  • Windowsills all cleaned (and blinds dusted if requested)
  • High cobwebs are removed
  • Ceiling fan dust removed (height restrictions apply)
  • Baseboards are dusted
  • Trash is emptied
  • Trash can is cleaned and sanitized, inside and out
  • Mirrors are cleaned
  • General straightening is completed
Other Living Areas (Including Hallways and Stairs)
  • Upholstered furniture is vacuumed
  • Cushions and pillows are fluffed and straightened
  • Fingerprints cleaned from all woodwork, frames, and switch plates
  • Ceiling fan dust removed (height restrictions apply)
  • High cobwebs are removed
  • Lamps cleaned and lampshades are dusted
  • Picture frames are dusted
  • Furniture is dusted - top, front, and underneath
  • Vacuum and wash wood and tile floors
  • Carpets are vacuumed
  • Hallway stairs are vacuumed and/or washed
  • Hand-wash sliding glass door, interior and exterior (weather permitting)
  • Trash is emptied
  • Trash can is cleaned and sanitized, inside and out
  • General straightening is completed

Got Maid Cleaning uses a strict checklist to provide quality service every time, guaranteed!
Is there a cleaning task you desire that is not on our list? Just give us a call and we’ll work to develop a custom cleaning checklist that suits your needs!
(716) 727-5000